horse against steel

This range, in 1:30 scale matte, features the iconic Polish Lancers, whom folklore would have it, charged German tanks on horseback.

The first release is a Trooper, Sergeant and Buglar from the 12th Lancer Regiment of the Polish Army.



Trooper, 12th Polish Lancers £90

Trooper, 12th Polish Lancers £90

Trooper, 12th Polish Lancers £90

Trooper, 12th Polish Lancers £90

Trooper, 12th Polish Lancers £90

Sergeant, 12th Polish Lancers. £90

Bugler, 12th Polish Lancers. £90

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Our first Saxons for the Seven Years War are coming!
Farquhar and Murray by Ready4Action.
The British are coming!

We're pleased to announce our new range Farquhar and Murray. This is a gloss, traditional range of 18th Century toy soldiers.

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