Merill's Marauders

We are pleased to introduce a new part of the Burma Range, that is Merill's Marauders. This US Army force was raised and trained to fight in a similar way to the Chindits. They used the same Long Range Penetration techniques. They were tasked with taking major depots and railheads held by the Japanese.

Our first 4 figure set of Merill's Marauders are now available, with a second set of 4 hot on their heels. These figures are plus size, that is the same size as other larger manufacturers.

Marauder MAR30-03 George the Radio op £36,50
Marauder MAR30-01 Sergeant adv with Thompson £34,50
Marauder MAR30-01 Standing firing M1 Rifle £34,50
Marauder MAR30-02 Kneeloing firing M1 Garand Rifle £34,50
Preview of first Marauder
Preview of second Marauder
Preview of second Marauder
Preview of second Marauder - radio operator

The first set of Marauders will be ready by the end of June 2018. We are taking pre-orders now. The first three figures are £34.50ea and the Radioman is £36.50.


These figures are compatible with KIng and Country figures,

Pictured with KC USMC figure.

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Ready4Action Miniatures

The Yurt

Orchard Grange

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TD11 3NS

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